Sunday, September 16, 2012

Start with the Venue!

BEFORE you plan your theme, your budget, your color scheme....figure out where the wedding will be! CASTAWAY in NW Portland has a wonderful warehouse, loft, feel. It's high ceilings are high enough to go wild but not so much that you feel like you're in an industrial tower! It calls for modern urban themes but the wooden beams allow for a great rural look as well!
The Bride decided that she wanted to use the chevron pattern and magenta was her favorite color. Magenta, gray and white became the color scheme. It was beautiful!

The Bride and her amazing friends worked hard setting this up. It took many hands but it was worth it. Remember that labor is what you pay for when you are planning your wedding budget. Decide how much your time is worth and how crazy you want to be on your special day. It worked out that there wasn't another event on the Friday night before this Saturday wedding so CASTAWAY  let us in Friday for a few hours so the wedding day gave us just enough time to add every finishing touch!

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